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Analysis of the Roman Catholic Church

Hi, I'm juliet and on this webpage i will be discussing my analysis and thoughts/opinions on the Roman Catholic Church along with their dominance over medieval europe.

~The fall of the roman empire~

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The Roman Empire was successful at first due to their dominance over several large areas of land and the Mediterranean and they grew to be feared by most, however their success came to a swift end due to several factors within the empire such as their dying economics, terrible military defenses and a sincere lack of care for their people, mainly the christian population whom were mistreated and brutally abused until a law was passed where they gained legal rights and the permission to organize churches. While the Roman Empire became successful due to their dominance, the empire fell into ruin because of their dying economics, terrible military defenses and became nothing but a place of ruin. My opinion of this is this could have been easily prevented if they didn't put all of their attention on religion and the higher classes.

~The system of feudalism~

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Feudalism was a societal system created in medieval Europe to restore order shortly after the fall of the roman empire and to structure society around relationships created from the trading of land in exchange for protection or labour. These trades and protections were based on a class system with peasents having the least power and the king having the most power with knights and vassels giving the people and king protection. I personally think this system served its purpose and did so fairly well

~The system of capitalism~

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Capitalism is an economic system that came after the fall of feudalism and used is widely today, in which private individuals or business owners own capital goods. These individuals employ workers who work on producing goods or providing services in exchange for wages. The owners/individuals aim to create profit by selling these goods or services to society and this can sometimes result in competition among businesses due to one or more wanting more profit and less for the others. I personally think this system is alright and does its job.

~The power of the Roman Catholic Church~

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The Roman Catholic Church developed its own set of laws called the canon law where laws where based on the bible, decisions by the clergy as well as local and roman laws. These laws set the rules Catholics had to follow and included religious teachings accepted by the Church, crimes and the role of the clergy and marriage. If these laws/rules were to be broken it would result in excommunication, the process in which someone would be considered to be condemned to hell for eternity and would not receive a christian burial along with no more sacred ceremonies by the Church. Excommunication was used to punish those who opposed the Church in any shape or form. My opinion of this is the Roman Catholic Church had too much power over the people and their lives.